Thursday, February 4, 2010

More Snow?

More snow coming! Everywhere I go, I hear it. Twelve to twenty-four inches! The blizzard of ’93 all over again!

It reached forty degrees yesterday, and a lot of snow melted. I can see most of the ground in my backyard. But as my grandmother used to say when snow remained on the ground, “It’s lying on the ground, waiting for some more.” In other words, if it isn’t warm enough to melt it all and quickly, then you’ll have more.

I just got back from walking the dog; I only fell once. I landed on my butt with its protective padding. No harm done. The sky is blindingly blue; the reflection of sun on snow is dazzling. We’re going about our business. I’m off to the grocery store. The snow will start tomorrow afternoon, and I’ve got to beat the rush.

I hope you enjoy the weather wherever you are!

1 comment:

Susan Vaughn said...

Hi! We want pictures!!! Gotta have pictures!!! ha ha.

- Susan