Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Health Care will Stay Reformed - No Matter What

You think the President is crazy and the Democrats in the Senate are crazy too?


You plan to throw them all out in November? Fine.

Just remember this: health care in this country will NEVER go back to the way it was before. Never. Why?

Because of this bill, someone like me, who has preexisting conditions out the wazoo, knows he/she can get insurance. I can't think of anyone I know who doesn't have some condition the insurance companies could classify as preexisting.

Can you imagine trying to repeal that part of the bill? How successful do you think you would be?

Example two: A person can keep a child on his parents' health care plan until he is 26, not 21, as before. Don't give me the "pull himself up by his own bootstraps" speech. You try to get a job with decent insurance. Sure, Walmart, etc. gives insurance (they didn't do that in Maryland until the state legislature made them do it), but it is minimal. I don't know about you, but I want my kid to be able to afford the medical care he needs, period. When he's 26, he's on his own. By that time he'll have a job that isn't flipping burgers, a job with insurance.

Do you think any politician would touch either of these provisions?

No matter what - health care is, not will be, reformed.

I realize there are some parts of the bill you don't like, and you're going to get them repealed. Fine.

But overall, history was made on Sunday. The Senate will pass some version of the bill. Health care in the country will never be the same.

The real change has come. I suspect that was the President's plan all along; people are ready for a change. They may disagree about the changes. Fine. That's America. But change has come.

1 comment:

Margaret Placentra Johnston said...

Mary, you are so right - health care is (has been) reformed now that this bill has (thankfully) passed.

But the reform we got is only partial. We need a LOT MORE reform before we can say our health system places the welfare of citizens over the profit margins and dramatically excessive CEO salaries of our managed care companies and the earnings of their stockholders.

The only answer is to take our health care system off the Big Board. Unfortunately many people will have to suffer before we as a nation concede that there is no CARE in a healthcare system based on a free market economy.