Thursday, December 3, 2009

Working Out is Working

"Have fun!" This is what my husband always says when I am heading out the door to the YMCA to ride the stationary bike and lift weights.
Fun? If you think working out is fun -- you need to get out more. Working out is healthy; working out is energizing; working out is stress relief, but fun?
I think of the bicycle/weight routine as a visit to the dentist. You know you need to do it, but you don't expect to enjoy it.
I'm not talking about an activity you do for pleasure which happens to involve physical exertion. I'm not talking about tennis, or soccer, or hiking. I'm talking about working out because you know its good for you.
Judging from what other people do when they are working out, I'd say I have a lot of company. At the Y one gentleman makes horrible faces when he lifts weights. Another grunts HUHHH! Another gets on the machine and just sits, staring into space. I suppose he is working up courage.
None of these guys really bother me, but I had a hard time tuning out the fellow next to me on the bike the last time I went. Please, please, people. Do not sing along with your Ipod. You don't sound nearly as cool as you think you do.
Workouts are not fun. Having worked out - to be finished for the day - is fun.

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